Music Producer - BlackBox


United Kingdom
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Member Since: June 11, 2017
Studio Access: YES

Gender: MALE
Country: United Kingdom


We're a group of 4 guys average age 30. Lots of music ready for a singer to step into.

We met up about a year ago via the guitarists advert described as a Spacerock project. It's come a long way since then.

We're very creative and original.
Don't think Indie or just plain rock.
Think a well thought out and beautiful mash up of Alt rock, electronic, atmospheric, melodic, think Radiohead.

That being said we don't really categorize ourselves.

We're looking for someone who sings as themself and is not trying to replicate an influence. Preferably someone with gigging experience like us. Not essential.

The stuff we have has gone down really well so far and I really believe it could be something amazing with the right front person helping us hammer this music home.

At the moment we practise once a week in Manchester and are looking to gig again as soon as the new vocalist is ready.

Please get in touch -

And let me know if you want me to send a demo of us to you.


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