Session Singer, Vocalist, Songwriter - Ovadia


United States
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Member Since: August 27, 2015
Studio Access: YES

Gender: MALE
Country: United States
Microphone: Blue Spark

  • Rap

Sounds Like: Eminem 0 Macklemore 0 B.o.B. 0 Hopsin 0

Vocal Styles: Rap 0 Spoken Word 0

Vocal Characteristic: Crisp 0 Smooth 0 Strong 0

Born in Kirkland, Washington, Ovadia has travled around the world in 23 short years. After extensive training in the liberal arts and and a thorough study of both music and literature, he found the perfect medium with which to plumb the depths of the most basic human questions: rap. With every song and every line he tries to improve his art, and has developed an impressive style and force, mixing rhythms and rhymes in a complex and unique manner.

Ovadia wrote and produced two full length albums and a mixtape, each work better than the last. He seeks to inspire his listeners, and encourages them to find the deeper meaning in life. Many are struck by the truth and the honesty consistently found in his music.

In a morally and philsophically bankrupt world, Ovadia shines the light of truth and beauty, showing all those who will follow a higher calling.

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